Bay City’s Pride: The Story of 96 Tears from ? (Question Mark) and the Mysterians

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In 1966, bands like The Doors and The Byrds were infiltrating the airwaves. There was, however, a little-known Latino band from Michigan that managed to score a number two spot on the Billboard charts in 1966. The band in question was “? (Question Mark) and the Mysterians”, a band that proved that you didn’t have to be from California or New York to top the Billboard charts. 

The band had their humble beginnings as the children of migrant workers from Saginaw Michigan, and found themselves forming a band, inspired by their collected love and appreciation for music. After many lineup changes, the future of the band was in limbo. One day the band’s keyboardist, Frank Rodriguez improvised a riff on the keyboard. Their singer, who went by Question Mark, began to sing some lyrics from a song he had written before that were called “Too Many Teardrops”.  It was decided the band wanted to focus their work on the song, so they originally changed the title to 69 Tears until it was decided to be renamed “96 Tears”.

The song was recorded in Bay City, Michigan in April of 1966. Gary Johnson of The Michigan Rock N Roll Legends Hall of Fame said this about the recording:

“I love that ? and The Mysterians recorded one of rock and roll’s greatest songs with Art Schiell in his tiny studio located in his home on Raymond Street in Bay City.” 

Their song “Midnight Hour” was initially voted as the song to promote as a single, but Question Mark vouched for 96 Tears to be the hit. His belief in the single worked in his favor as the single ended up being a big hit. So much so that the vinyl pressing company that released the 96 Tears single couldn’t keep up with the increased demand for the single after it got airplay.

The single got massive airwave play in Detroit and eventually landed the band television appearances on American Bandstand. The single would eventually go Gold and land on the number two spot on the Billboard 100. This was a huge feat for such a new and young band. Gary Johnson said about the band’s success:

“ The fact that “96 Tears” became a # 1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1966, seemingly against all odds, was a testament to the talent of the young band.”

The success would not last, however, as the band would only make two albums before calling it quits in 1969. The band would, however, sometimes reunite the remaining band members for occasional performances around the Detroit area.

The story of ? and the Mysterions is like a real-life Rags to Riches story. Despite the band’s eventual split, the single is well remembered amongst Bay City residents as a significant moment in the city’s musical history. 

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