Bay City’s Historic Masonic Temple: From Secret Society to Community Center

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When you hear the words “Masonic Temple,” what comes to mind? Does it conjure up images of a super-secret society that knows the truth about life but won’t share its secrets? Do you imagine seances and weird sacrifices? If so, it’s important to know that the Historic Masonic Temple in Bay City, Michigan is not like that at all. While it was originally built as a place of gathering for the Masonic organization, it has since transformed into a community center. Today, it hosts a variety of events such as movie nights, pro wrestling matches, and music festivals.

The Historic Masonic Temple was initially established by a group of businessmen who petitioned for Bay City to organize a Masonic Lodge in 1860. It served as a meeting place for Freemasons, and plans for building the lodge changed several times until it was finally settled on its current location on N. Madison St. In February 1893, the building was completed and from the very beginning, it hosted community events. In 1897, Bay City showcased its first motion picture exhibition at the Masonic Temple’s “Blue Room”. The Blue Room is a large viewing area with sky-blue walls and stained glass windows. The film screened was a reenactment of a battle from the Crimean War, which was fought between Russia and Britain, France, and the Ottoman Empire.

Inside of the Blue Room

In May of 1903, tragedy struck the building when it caught on fire, causing severe damage. The tower and domes were destroyed, but the remaining copper was melted down into coins and given to the masons as memorabilia. Today, one of these coins is on display inside the building. In 1905, the construction of the building was completed, which included new technologies such as fire-resistant materials and steel roofing. 

For the next 100 years, from 1905-2005, the activities held at the temple were mostly for the masons. However, membership in the Masonic Lodge was declining, and there were talks of demolishing the building. In 2005, The Bay Arts Council purchased the building, and it was restored as a historical landmark in 2016. This was a significant step in preserving the building and ensuring that it continues to receive funding.

The Temple remains a focal point for the Bay City community to this day. The Excellency Music Festival is a popular event that takes place there, along with other events such as Midnight Monster Movie Night and Pro Wrestling. The building is no longer used for secret society meetings but has endured the test of time, including fire and age, and continues to serve as a gathering place for the community to appreciate the arts and the beauty of an old relic from the past.

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